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Fall Lyrics:


Little Bird Up In A Tree


Little bird up in a tree, in a tree, in a tree

Little bird up in a tree, sing a song for me.

Sing about the pumpkins on the garden wall

Sing about the birdies in the tree so tall


Little bird up in a tree, in a tree, in a tree

Little bird up in a tree, sing a song for me.


Big Black Crow


Big black crow sitting in a tree

What are you squawking 'bout

Won't you tell me?

Caw, caw, caw



Way up high in the old oak tree

Your shiny black feathers are clear to see

You're bigger and brighter than all the rest

You must think you're the very best


Big black crow sitting in a tree

What are you squawking 'bout 
Won't you tell me?

Caw, caw, caw.


Good Morning Dear Earth 


Good Morning Dear Earth

Good morning dear earth, good morning dear sun,

Good morning dear tree and the plants every one.

Good morning dear animals, and the birds in the trees

Good morning to you, good morning to me.

Good Morning Golden Sunshine


Good morning golden sunshine

mmm mmm, mmm mmm, mmm mmm, mmm mmm,

You're looking through my window fine,

The birds are singing in the trees

doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, doo doo,

And we give thanks on this fine day.


For The Golden Sun


For the golden sun and the apples from the trees

For the yellow butter and the honey from the bees

For the fruits and nuts and berries

We find along the way

For the beasts and wild birdies...

We're thankful every day.


Blow Wind Blow


Blow wind blow, and go mill go,

That the miller may grind her corn.

That the baker my take it and into bread bake it

And bring us a loaf in the morn, and bring us a loaf in the morn.


Hello (c) Alison Notkin 


Hello, hello, hello my friend
How ya doing?  It's nice to see you again.

The sun is up and so are we,

Hello you and hello me.

Hello, hello, hello my friend.

Hello To You My Friend (c) Alison Notkin

Hello, hello, hello to you my friend,

Good morning, it's nice to see you again.

We sing together in any weather

Whether of foot or feather we be.

Hello, hello, hello to you and me.

Apple Tree song

Here is an apple tree,

I look up and I can see

Big red apples ripe and sweet,
Big red apples good to eat.

Shake the big old apple tree,

See the apples fall on me.
Here's a basket big and round,
Pick those apples off the ground.

Last time: Here's an apple ripe and sweet, that's the apple I will eat...


Quiet Exercise Song (c) Alison Notkin


Reach up, reach up, elbows up and down

Wave to everybody and tap tap on the ground

Reach up, reach up, elbows up and down

Wave to everybody and tap tap on the ground


It's a quiet exercise song, it's a quiet exercise song

Shh shh, shh shh, it's a quiet exercise song


Lift your knees, lift your knees, jump up and down

Clap clap your hands, and turn yourself around

Lift your knees, lift your knees, jump up and down

Clap clap your hands, and turn yourself around


It's a quiet exercise song, it's a quiet exercise song

Shh shh, shh shh, it's a quiet exercise song


Shake Your Shaker (c) Alison Notkin


Shake (4x), Shake (4x)

Shake shake shake your shaker

Shake (4x) Shake (4x)

Shake your shaker with me (x2)

Shake your shaker high, everybody touch the sky Stretch your arms out wide and shake from side to side Shake your shaker down, everybody touch the ground Listen to the sound and spin yourself around

Spin around round round round

Round (4x) Round (4x) Round round spin around

Round (3x) Round (4x)

Round round spin around


Les Oiseaux (c) Alison Notkin


Les oiseaux qui n'aiment pas le froid

Ne restent pas, la ou il ya de la neige.

Les oiseaux qui n'aiment pas le froid

Ne restent pas ici pendant l'hiver.


Ils volent, ils volent

Loin d'ici ou le soleil brille

Ils volent, ils volent

Loin d'ici ou il fait chaud et le soleil brille.


Les oiseaux qui sont robust et fort

Peuvent vivre dans le nord, la ou il ya de la neige

Les oiseaux qui sont robust et fort

Peuvent vivre dans le nord, ici pendant l'hiver.


Ils restent, ils restent

Restent ici dans leurs petits nids,

Ils restent, ils restent

Pour trouver a manger, et un abri pour leurs bébés.


The Weather's Getting Cold (c) Alison Notkin


The weather's getting cold

The weather's getting cold

What should I wear now the weather's getting cold?


The weather's getting cold

The weather's getting cold

What should I wear now the weather's getting cold?


Should I wear some short pants?

No, no, no.

Should I wear a t-shirt?

No, no, no.

Should I wear my sandals?

No, no, no.

Should I wear my bathing suit?

No, no no!


The weather's getting cold...


Should I wear a sweater?

Yes, yes, yes.

Should I wear some long pants?

Yes, yes, yes.

Should I wear some warm boots?

Yes, yes, yes.

Should i wear a hat or a hood?

Yes, yes yes.



The weather's getting cold...




Spring Lyrics:


Spring Is Coming

Spring is coming, Spring is coming 

Birdies build your nest

Weave together straw and feather

Each one does his best

Each one does his best


Spring is coming, Spring is coming

Flowers are waking too

Daisies, lilies, daffodilies

All are coming through

All are coming through


Spring is coming, Spring is coming

All around is fair

Shiver, quiver on the river

Joy is everywhere

Joy is everywhere


Tap Your Djembe Drum (c) Alison Notkin


Tap tap tap, tap tap tap, tap your djembe drum

Tap tap tap, tap tap tap, tap your djembe drum.


You can play with your hands, you can play with your fingers

You can play with your hands, you can play with your fingers,

Tap tap tap, tap tap tap, tap your djembe drum.


(play quietly, loudly, slowly, and quickly)


I Can't See The Wind


I can't see the wind, but the wind can see me,

It follows me dancing across lantern-lea

It blow round my ankles, it puffs up my hair

It tangles me up so I do not know where

Or whither or thither or why I'm this way

The way of the wind on a fresh autumn day.


Compost Song (c) Alison Notkin


Put your food scraps in the compost

Never throw good food away

Put your food scraps in the compost

Or save them to eat another day.

Day, day day, save them to eat another day,


Honey Bee (c) Alison Notkin

Bee bee, honey bee

Won't you make some honey for me?

Bee bee, swoop and dive

Take the nectar from the flower to the old bee hive.

Pass the nectar from bee to bee

Just like we pass the bean bag from you to me.

Feed the honey to the bee baby

And if there's some left over, leave some for me.


Buzz buzz buzz a buzzy

Buzz buzz buzz a buzzy

Buzz buzz buzz a buzzy bee.


I Miss You


I miss you from this place

I miss your smiling face

I'm always happy when

My friends come back again!


Cherry Seed


I had a little cherry stone

I planted it in the ground

And when I went to look at it

A tiny sprout I found


The sprout it grew up day by day

Until it was a tree

I picked some cherries off of it

And had them for my tea, yum yum!




Caterpillar crawls along

In and out he sings his song

Curled up tightly by and by

He becomes a butterfly


Butterfly Song (c) Alison Notkin 


I am a butterfly in the sun

I fly all around til the day is done

See my colours bold and bright

Watch my wings as I take flight


Butterfly, butterfly,

butterfly, butterfly...


I Hear The Mill Wheel


I hear the mill wheel

Tiki tiki taka

I hear the mill wheel



I hear the mill wheel, tika tika taka

I hear the mill wheel, taka


Mother is building us a house

Tiki taka, tika taka


I hear the mill wheel, tika tika taka

I hear the mill wheel, taka


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