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Jane, Outremont, 2018-2021

The perfect introduction of music for babies. It was the highlight of our week.  Alison’s songs have become part of our family; we are singing them months later, and will do so for years to come!

Talia, Montreal 2021

Singing with Alison on the mountain was the highlight of our week. My daughter didn't always sing along as she was too busy banging on her tambourine or shaking her maracas. She would later surprise us by belting out full songs (ones that I couldn't remember too!). Coming to the weekly sessions helped bring music into our lives on the other days too as we would continue to sing and play instruments. Alison is very patient and makes each child feel valued and included. A very nice experience and one that we hope to repeat again soon. Thank you Alison for creating a cozy and welcoming community.

Anna, Montreal 2021

I cannot say enough amazing things about Alison and her music programs. I feel so fortunate to have the ongoing opportunity to have Alison in our playschool.  She brings inspiration, creativity, beauty and so much passion into our setting. Her classes are the highlight of the week around here.  If you're on the fence about registering for her classes, don't hesitate!  You and your child(ren) will not ever regret it.

Trinati, Garden Grow Playschool, 2019-2020

With relatable topics such as jumping in puddles, playing in the snow, and
hibernation, as well as accompanying “animals” to animate each session, Ms.
Alison encouraged each child to sing, to move and to explore different musical
instruments.  Ms. Alison had a very warm and personal dynamic with each of her groups, and
the children looked forward to her weekly visits. We can’t wait to welcome her

Yasmin, Orchard House Preschool, 2020

My daughter was the littlest in the class when we started (7 months) and really loved it, which shows there is no minimal age needed!  She'd make a beeline for some of the instruments in every session and was able to explore the environment as she wished.  She was fascinated by Alison and her guitar and would get really excited.  It's a really imaginative time for everyone, with all the props, instruments, songs, and lovely plants.  We'll definitely be back for more!"

Katy, Montreal 2016-2021

Alison es una persona maravillosa que ha creado las clases de musica para grupos de bebes y ninos pequenos junto a su familia.  En las clases tu nino aprendera los distintos sonidos de los instrumentos musicales, los gestos y bailes asociados a las maravillosas canciones que van siguiendo las estaciones del ano.  Los ninos se sienten muy acogidos y tienen plena libertad de movimiento y expresion y disfrutan plenamente! (casi tando como lo disfrutamos nosotras las mamas!) Es una oportunidad muy linda y un tiempo de calidad enriquecedor.  Muchas gracias por todo lo que nos has brindado!

Lucia, Montreal 2018-2021

We've been going for a year (and counting), my two year old sings the songs around our home on a daily basis, I sing the songs around our home, and they even help my little one get dressed in winter.  Alison guides the children through the seasons using music, sounds, rhythm, and different instruments.  We learn new songs regularly and at the end of each class we both leave with a smile and and a lighter step.  The Music By The Season community is a wonderful one, we've made some great friends, we thoroughly recommend Alison's classes.

Alison does a wonderful job animating her classes and keeping young, short attention spans engaged by introducing different instruments with each song, and including the kids throughout.  The songs are catchy and educational - she teaches children about various instruments, as well as through the stories told through her lyrics.  My two year old comes home singing the songs she learns over and over, while dancing/acting out the movements,  These classes have also ignited my daughter's interest in musical instruments.  I highly recommend these classes to parents and babies/kids of all ages.

Laura, Outremont 2016-2019

I want to say that Alison's music classes have been such a fun, inspiring, amazing time for my kiddos and myself.  We discovered things about nature together and learned to love music, rhythm and instruments.  Both of my kids sing songs from music class at home and love to go to Alison's place to play with instruments and all her fun interesting props!  If you haven't tried it yet, go for it!  It's great for any age and any kid.

Rali, Montreal 2018-2020

J’ai commencé les cours de musique avec mon bébé de 7 mois et mon bambin de 2.5 ans et ce fut un coup de cœur dès le premier cours. D’abord, les chansons sont stimulantes et elle abordent des sujets variés de manière concrète. Elle enseigne les notions de musique de manière ludique (rythmes, notes, tons,...) et les instruments présentés aux enfants sont d’une grande qualité. Alison est une pédagogue hors-pair. Les enfants restent intéressés l’heure entière. Ils sont amenés à se lever, manipuler les instruments, chanter, écouter, partager. Bref, “music by the season” est un cours d’une qualité exceptionnelle.
Alison est douce et à l’écoute des besoins de chacun des enfants du groupe. Elle intègre chacun des petits et tant mon bébé que mon bambin apprécient les cours de musique. La formule “snack and play” est super intéressante aussi.

Evelyn, Montreal 2019

My daughter (1yr) and I love music class with Alison - it's the highlight of our week! My daughter feels completely free and accepted to be herself as she explores and learns about music. The music is fun and original and we sing it at home all the time. Thanks Alison!

Lindsay, Mile End 2016 and 2020

Another huge fan here! This class made my heart so happy and was such a nice way to connect with my kids and enjoy music together. Highly recommend!

Poppy, Little Italy, 2018-2019

We've just finished our third class with Alison and our 3.5 year old daughter looks forward to it every week! We started when she was much younger, and when we asked her if she wanted to go to music class again or do something else on Saturday mornings, she very enthusiastically chose Alison's classes. She loves playing instruments with the other kids, and sings the songs with me at home (reminding me of the words when I forget them). The songs are so sweet and creative, and help explain to our daughter how the world around her works, like what earthworms do in our garden. I've happily recommended her classes to several other parents, especially those with kids who love music.

Matt, Petit-Patrie, 2018, 2019

Alison’s music class is a highlight in our week of activities. My (busy) 3.5 year old twin boys love how Alison allows them to move throughout her music space and how she incorporates choreographed movement into her songs.  Alison is always assessing, adapting and appropriately meeting the dynamic of each class and its participants.  My 10 month old is along for the ride as well and highly enjoys the liveliness of the guitar and the interaction with new instruments, sounds and songs.  All three of my children adore Alison’s welcoming energy as well as her kind nature. I am so appreciative of her creativity and warmth during our time together.

Elizabeth, Mile End, 2017, 2018

Saturday mornings with Alison have been a terrific way of introducing our 2 year old boy to music. The classes are perfectly paced, with a combination of high-energy music making, and more calm and contemplative moments, thinking about beats and rhythms. Alison sets a tone of inclusion, inviting all students, no matter age or aptitude, to experiment with different instruments at different stages of the class. I’ll definitely look forward to songs of spring as we emerge from the winter, but the class always offers a very bright spot to our weeks, even in the depths of the Montreal winter.

Jean-Philip, Montreal 2016, 2017

This class is just beautiful and the songs have brought colour to our Autumn.  My daughter (23 months) asks us to sing at breakfast and I often hear her singing and doing the actions for the songs by herself.  It's been so lovely that the songs work with all that we see happening around us for the season, inspiring us to sing them at home.  We love the hands on instrument time and creative use of props.  Alison draws the children into the moment and has a real respect for each child's individual level and interest.  Can't wait to come back for Winter class!

Victoria, Montreal 2015-2017

It's the one thing our toddler will enthusiastically, unequivocally put her shoes and jacket on for without a fuss every week.  She looks forward to it and so do I - we hum the songs throughout the week.  Alison's songs are wonderful!

Nika, Montreal 2016

BEST music class ever! Especially the Music, Snack and Play. I've been bringing my 4 year old son for the last couple of years and now my 6 month old son is joining us and loving it! The place feels like home, Alison is so cool, and the songs are mega infectious and have become bedtime favourites. And following the seasons along the way ties everything up so nicely. This class is the highlight of our week for sure!

Maya, Oliver, James, Mile End 2015-2017

If you treat your child to just one class, this should be it. Music By The Season is varied, active, tender, and educational. Alison keeps the kids as her focus, yet includes parents in a comfortable way. She integrates simple instruments and props, but the songs themselves are great: catchy, in tune, and enhanced by Alison's lovely voice, thoughtful gestures, and clear instruction of lyrics.  Our baby was 8 months-old when we started, and we saw great development in her rhythm and engagement with music, as well as the range of sounds she began making after each class.  Bonus: the classes take place in a beautiful room with many plants, instruments, and sunshine.

Steve & Diane, 2016

We look forward to Alison's music workshops all week! Almost every night my little one asks if we get to go to music class in the morning. She talks about it constantly and sings the songs all day long.  My little one is getting such great exposure to different instruments and rhythms and we both love the unique songs that Alison shares with us in her cozy sun-drenched studio. I would recommend these workshops to anyone with small people in their lives.

Ariella, Villeray 2014-2017

My kids and I often found ourselves singing the songs from class during the week - it's so beautiful that they connect us with the time of year. We especially liked the apple picking song. The class itself was a warm, gentle, consistent, interactive place we looked forward to every week. Alison has a wonderful approach for engaging everyone to sing along, explore different instruments, and most importantly, have fun. Highly recommend!

Mitali, Plateau Mont-Royal 2014-2016

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